The Gender-based Violence Observatory has been set up at the seat of the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council after the signature of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare on the 23rd of December 2021. The GBVO finds its raison dā€™être; firstly, in a shared consensus across stakeholders for the need to understand ongoing trends in GBV and plug existing gaps in the national GBV data collection system, and secondly with the ever-growing realisation that improving the data collection system is central to inform policymakers and assist the design and implementation of effective policies to combat GBV. The GBVO was set up to contribute to the goal of eliminating all forms of GBV towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goal 5 to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

The proposal that the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) houses this Observatory emanates from the Sub Committee of Technical Working Group 4 on the Monitoring and Evaluation of the National Strategy and Action Plan of the High Level Committee on the Elimination of Gender-Based Violence in the Republic of Mauritius 2020-2024.

There is a broad consensus for the need to understand and bridge the gaps in data on GBV. Improving the data collection system and undertaking applied research on the multiple facets of GBV are crucial to inform policymaking and assist the design and implementation of effective policies to combat GBV.

Main Objectives of the Observatory

The GBVO aims to be the coordinating body for the compilation, centralisation, and analysis of data on all forms of GBV in the Republic of Mauritius. It also seeks to make evidence-based recommendations and proposals to improve the services and facilities offered by public institutions and civil society in the area of GBV. It will perform a pivotal role in understanding and combatting GBV by ensuring the following:

  • Acting as the coordinating agency and focal point for the compilation and analysis of official data on all forms of GBV;

  • Contributing to the digitalisation of GBV information to facilitate Monitoring & Evaluation;

  • Impact assessment exercises of on-going policies and initiatives to combat GBV;

  • Developing partnerships, federate public policy and lobby resources and actions against GBV with an emphasis on socially innovative approaches;

  • Identifying and researching emerging short-term priority themes on GBV;

  • Scouting for and encouraging the adoption of Socially Innovative best practices (regional and
    international) in this area;

  • Making evidence-based recommendations and proposals to improve the services and facilities
    offered by Government and civil society in the area of GBV.

What we do

magnifying glass
Applied social research on emerging GBV themes; social impact assessment
data compilation
Data harmonisation
Data harmonization

Centralisation and analysis of reported GBV data

Digitalisation of Data
Digitalisation of data

Digitalisation, visualisation and analysis of GBV data and trends

Impact assessment
Impact assessment of policies and initiatives

M&E of initiatives to address GBV

Partnership with stakeholders

Networking to federate public policy and resources against GBV

Evidence-Based Recommendations
Evidence-Based Recommendations
Aimed at improving services and facilities offered by Govt and other stakeholders

How we operate

The GBVO is hosted at the MRIC with a core team of 4 researchers supported by the organizational set-up of the Council. This team is guided by a steering committee co-chaired by the Executive Director of the MRIC and the Supervising Officer of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Welfare. Other key stakeholders are also part of this steering committee in order to leverage on expertise and encourage facilitation, networked collaboration and access to data and knowledge.

The steering committee comprises of members from the following stakeholder agencies:

The approach which is utilised for the work of the Observatory is best described as wide-ranging and practical, combining secondary sources of data and official statistics with primary research. As GBV is multifaceted and affects different sub-groups, specific tailor-made theme-focused studies is commissioned to extend our understanding of this phenomenon.

The core team